Parents, teachers, and others involved in the education or care of individuals who may qualify for IDEA or 504 services would benefit from exploring and studying this website because there is an abundance of information presented in user friendly way. This website gives you an overview of IDEA 2004: history, purpose, components, helpful information about aspects of the law, the law, and additional information. Every five years the law is revisited and revised as seen necessary, the latest version updated in 2004.
The Individual's with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the federal law that ensures children with disabilities will receive a free and appropriate special education services from the time they are born until they graduate from high school. IDEA began as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) or Public Law 94-142 in 1975, and has since been modified several times. The purpose of the IDEA is laid out in six goals. IDEA has four components, Parts A-D. Other helpful information provided includes funding, due process, and assessment among several other links that help explain more in depth aspects of the law. The lengthy and complex law can be downloaded right from the website. Other documents and websites related to the IDEA 2004 are presented.
Thank you for providing a wonderful summary and insightful reflection!